str. Principală, nr. 87
Phone no.:
+40 744 645 473
The church was built in the 14th century and the sanctuary was rebuilt in the 1400s in an international gothic style.
This church was also fortified with defence walls and towers but today visitors can only admire a simple belt of the fortification wall.
However, the church in Mălâncrav distinguishes itself through a very particular element, i.e. the interior mural painting - a narrative gothic painting from the 14th century. The painting illustrates biblical events from the Genesis to the Passion of Christ and allows believers to get a better understanding of their faith and to get closer to God.
The settlement used to be the residence of the Apafy aristocratic family who, besides Mălâncrav, also reigned over the villages of Stejărişu, Noul Săsesc, Roandola, Floreşti and Criş. In the next centuries, Mălâncrav becomes the property of the Betheln and Haller families.
There are no visiting hours, please call the contact person in time so he can come to open the church. Thank you!