antet ajts
  • Sibiu c Gabriela Oancea
  • Teracota Medias c Stefan Vartolomei

Gura Râului


Gura Râului
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At Gura Râului time knows no hurry; only the locals hurry to do their chores around the house; this is what their parents taught them - to be hardworking and to welcome any guest with the best they have.

Centuries after centuries, the locals from Gura Râului have lived in harmony with the surrounding nature… Well how could they have lived here without the wooded heights or the Cibin River? The true “gift from the Gods” for Gura Râului was the hard river rock good for constructions. This was also known by the Hapsburg authorities around the 1700s. Wishing to fortify the walls of the burgh of Sibiu, they built a navigable channel on the Cibin River and with the help of the Gura Râului villagers they would bring river rocks and wood on the rafts down to the walls of the burgh.

The locals from Gura Râului took advantage of the rich surrounding nature and developed crafts which used the force of water; they built sawmills, mills and felting machines… there’s a reason why people used to say of them that “their money comes with the water”.

If you enjoy delightful, unforgettable experiences, we suggest you take a ride on a carriage around the village. In your ride you will come across old churches, big homesteads with high wooden gates, the covered bridge over the Cibin River, the imposing dam guarded by the mountain peaks. Stop on the dam, take a deep breath of clean air and contemplate the fairy-tale landscape.

From the dam go along the lake to the “Tail of the lake” or “La Pisc” - the place where Râul Mare joins Râul Mic. If you continue your journey along Râul Mare you get to the Păltiniş mountain resort via the Cibin Gorges. If you don’t have enough time, ask the “coachman” to take you as far as the “old” fir tree - a fir tree over 500 years old, which is a monument of nature; they say eight men are needed to encircle it.

The clatter of hoofs, the wildly beautiful scenery, the murmur of the river, the strong mountain air… what could be more beautiful, more relaxing, and more peaceful?

Did you know...?

At Gura Râului on Sundays and on holidays locals proudly wear the traditional costumes inherited from their ancestors.

The Peony Festival and The Folk Costume Festival are two events which made this village famous and draw thousands of visitors each year.

At Gura Râului they still keep the “Commands Custom”? On each Sunday, after the religious service, the locals get together in front of the church where the mayor announces the news of the week. This is a unique opportunity to admire the elegant folk costumes.

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