When you think of the county of Sibiu, your mind most likely goes to the city of Sibiu. And rightfully so, as Sibiu was a European Capital of Culture in 2007 and this title is well deserved even today!
However, besides the city on the Cibin river, there are a lot of other charming destinations waiting to be discovered. Mediaş, for instance, is also a town loaded with historic symbols and architectural elements luring you at every step and calling on you to deepen your explorations. Cisnădia is a stylish little Saxon town with pastel houses and high roofs watching you from everywhere.
The cohabitation between Romanians and Saxons in this region has led to the division of the county in several areas which differ through lifestyle, traditions, customs and clothes. The Saxon villages from up north, the Romanian villages from Mărginimea Sibiului and Ţara Oltului, the mountain and spa resorts, all these put together give you the county of Sibiu - a destination worth exploring at leisure!