Țara Oltului
It is called Ţara Oltului (The Land of Olt) because its northern side is crossed by the waters of the Olt River. It is called Ţara Făgăraşului (The Land of Făgăraş) because its southern site is guarded by the fascinating chain of the Făgăraş Mountains, the highest mountain chain of the Romanian Carpathians.
The first information about Ţara Făgăraşului date from the early 13th century but archaeological discoveries certify that there was a local population here as early as the 4th century. In time, there were many crafts developed here, but the most famous remained weaving and glass painting. In fact, glass painting did not come across by chance but influenced by the development of glass manufactures in the 14th - 18th centuries.
The landscape is very diverse, with mountains, plains and valleys and “twin” villages placed upstream and downstream the main rivers; the population, on the other hand is very homogenous - mostly Romanians, simple people who have lovingly kept their ancient traditions.
In Ţara Făgăraşului you may take on various mountain trails or other recreational activities, you may visit the glass painting workshops, the old churches and the traditional villages.